Tsubaki Yoshino

Personal Information

Tsubaki Yoshino (吉野椿 - Yoshino Tsubaki), Seiyuu: Ai Shimizu, Hair / Eye Color: Olive / Navy, 2nd Year Student

The smart and resourceful Tsubaki is one of Riku's classmates and one of Sayuri's circle of friends. She is an honor student and perhaps the smartest amongst her friends even Sayuri. She is the one who fiercely objected on planning a maid cafe for her class during the Cultural Festival and are supported by all her female classmates. Yusuke and all his male classmates, who wanted this, were gutted by her objection. It took the effort from the Student President, Sakurai, to end their dispute with a request from him for the class to set up a haunted house for the Cultural Festival. Yusuke and Tsubaki, along with the rest of the class, finally agreed, ending the quarrel completely. She, along with many of Riku's classmates, thinks that he is one capable man that they can depend on at any time at any place. She once states that she would feel for Riku if she wouldn't realize Sayuri likes him.

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