Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Episode List

01. "Celestial Being"

In the year 2301 A.D., the world is still consumed by war. In the Middle East's Kurdish Republic, a group of guerillas attempt to fight off several Anf mobile suits. A man declares that they are fighting a holy war against the nonbelievers who defile God's land. As he dodges the gunfire from the Anfs, a young guerilla named Soran Ibrahim thinks to himself that there's no God in the world. An Anf closes in on Soran, but it's suddenly destroyed by a beam shot from above. The other Anfs are also destroyed, and Soran watches in awe as the mobile suit 0 Gundam descends with wings of light protruding from its GN Drive. Six years later, the Advanced European Union (AEU) conducts a mobile suit demonstration at a training ground near its orbital elevator. Test pilot Patrick Colasour attacks various stationary targets with the new transforming AEU Enact. In the crowd, a man named Billy Katagiri comments that the Enact is the AEU's first solar-powered mobile suit. A man named Graham Aker wonders why the AEU is only producing mobile suits when it's behind on the construction of its orbital elevator. Billy asks Graham if it's ok for him to be there, and Graham says it isn't. Billy tells Graham he found out that they're planning to announce a new mobile suit before the Human Reform League's 10th anniversary celebration of their elevator's completion. He figures it must be the Enact, which he dismisses as a ripoff of his own design, the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations' Union Flag. Just then, Patrick gets out of the cockpit and shouts out that he heard that comment. From above, Setsuna F. Seiei (aka Soran) descends in the Gundam Exia and begins spreading GN particles. He locks onto the Enact and announces that he's beginning the first phase of the operation. AEU radar officers pick up the Gundam Exia, but they're unable to identify it. Setsuna then lands near the Enact and turns to face it. An officer in the crowd attempts to contact Patrick, but he can't break through because of the interference. Another soldier orders everyone to peacefully evacuate. Patrick gets back into the cockpit, and the officer wonders what he's doing. Another man tells him that the Enact's value will now rise because Patrick is their ace pilot, despite his personality issues. Patrick boasts that he's the AEU's ace pilot and pulls out his sonic blade to attack the Gundam Exia. He rushes toward the Gundam Exia, but Setsuna uses his GN sword to cut off the Enact's left hand. Patrick then fires his linear rifle at point blank range, but Setsuna dodges and cuts off the Enact's right hand and head. Graham grabs a pair of binoculars and sees the name "Gundam" written on the Exia's forehead. Setsuna takes off to begin phase two, and three transforming Hellion mobile suits launch and give chase. In space, the Celestial Being ship Ptolemaios receives a status update from Setsuna, and captain Sumeragi Lee Noriega drinks some alcohol to celebrate their debut, to the chagrin of tactical operator Christina Sierra. The transforming Gundam Kyrios, piloted by Allelujah Haptism, is loaded onto the ship's catapult and takes off. Elsewhere, a party is held at the HRL's orbital elevator station Pillar of Heaven to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Young celebrity Wang Liu Mei has a drink, and her servant Hong Long informs her that it's begun.

Back on Earth, Setsuna flies near the elevator and comes under attack from the three Hellions. He fires back with his GN rifle and disables one with his sword, but five more approach from above. On the ground, Gundam Dynames pilot Lockon Stratos is informed by his robotic assistant Haro that enemies are approaching. He uses his sniper rifle lockon to target the Hellions and snipe them from below. Lockon takes out six Hellions, and Setsuna dispatches the last one and says that the second phase has been completed. Back at the training ground, Graham and Billy sit in an SUV. Billy asks Graham if he thinks that event shows the AEU's firepower, and Graham says if they're willing to go beyond the treaty to get more powerful weapons, it was a display of power. Billy asks Graham why he thinks that, and Graham suggests he ask the terrorist Gundam pilot. At an HRL orbit station, radar officers pick up four Hellions approaching and straddling the station's energy shield, which destroys one of them. The station's Tieren Space Type mobile suits prepare to launch, and officer Sergei Smirnov complains that these things happen because the AEU keeps selling weapons to third-world countries. The Tierens launch to intercept the Hellions, but they have trouble locking on because the Hellions are hiding behind the station's ring. The Tierens close in and open fire, and two of the Hellions fire three large missiles at the station. Just before the three missiles hit, Allelujah arrives and destroys them with his beam submachine gun. They then turn their attention to him, and he takes out two of them. The third continues forward for a suicide attack, and Tieria Erde's Gundam Virtue appears in front of the station. Tieria destroys it with his GN cannon and announces that the third phase is over, and Allelujah comments to himself that Tieria overdid it. A JNN news crew at the party captures the incident on film. In Tokyo, a JNN broadcast reports that several terrorist mobile suits attacked the Pillar of Heaven station and were destroyed by several unknown mobile suits. Student Saji Crossroad and his girlfriend Louise Halevy watch the report on TV, and JNN announces that they have a video from the group behind the mysterious mobile suits. In the video, an old man named Aeolia Schenberg announces the existence of Celestial Being, a private, armed group that possesses the Gundam mobile suits. He announces that the group's goal is to eradicate war by initiating armed intervention into any conflict. Sergei wonders if the video is a claim of responsibility. In the hospital, Patrick is furious that these are the people who made him suffer. JNN reporter Kinue Crossroad has a flash of recognition when she sees Aeolia. In Azadistan, Princess Marina Ismail comments that they're trying to stop war by starting another one. As Billy and Graham drive through the desert, Graham laughs at the idea of using force to stop war. A man named Alejandro Corner tells his assistant Ribbons Almack that the reformation of man has begun. On the Ptolemaios, Allelujah says that he can see the evil of the world, and Tieria says that humanity's being tested by Celestial Being. On Earth, Lockon tells Setsuna that they've picked a fight with the entire world, and Setsuna says that they're Celestial Being's Gundam Meisters.

02. "Gundam Meister"

By the year 2307, fossil fuels have been exhausted, forcing humanity to turn to solar power for its energy needs. A solar power system centered between the three orbital elevators serves as an energy source. The world has been reorganized into three great military powers: the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, based in America; the Humanity Reform League, based in Russia, China and India; and the Advanced European Union (AEU), comprised of Western Europe. At the Union's special economic district of Tokyo, Saji and Louise watch the Celestial Being broadcast repeat on TV, and Saji wonders if there really are people who would act without having any personal gain. At the HRL Head of State's office, officials examine the footage from the attack on Tenchu and see that the Gundam Virtue is one of mobile suits referred to in Celestial Being's video. At the AEU capital, an official is shocked that their newest mobile suit, the Enact, could be taken down so quickly. Another says that Celestial Being must have the financial backing of an advanced country to develop advanced mobile suits in total secrecy. At the Union capital in Washington, President Bryan believes Celestial Being is undermining their work because the Union intervenes in foreign conflict for its own benefit and national interest, not out of philanthropic spirit. On a small island, Lockon tells Setsuna that news stations across the world are talking about nothing but them. Wang arrives with Hong Long and says that Celestial Being's ideas are being shown through its actions. On the road, Graham tells Billy that he wants to find out more about the Gundam Exia, specifically how the light it emitted scrambled radar and communications. Billy says that the light is probably a special particle created by photon decay, but he also thinks the Gundams have another secret. Another officer pulls up and tells Graham and Billy that they've been ordered to return immediately. In space, the Ptolemaios prepares to launch the Gundam Kyrios and Gundam Virtue. Allelujah is uneasy about testing the Gundams during a real battle, but Tieria explains that they need to assess their abilities. Sumeragi passes by and apologizes, but Tieria says he's prepared for the risk, especially since being part of Celestial Being is risky. Allelujah then launches in the Gundam Kyrios, which has been equipped with a missile container, followed by Tieria. On Earth, Setsuna and Lockon activate their Gundams and load their weapons from the containers and takeoff. In space, Allelujah and Tieria spread GN particles to protect the Gundams during atmospheric re-entry. At the HRL orbital station, Sergei is informed that they've picked up the Gundams on radar. Based on their trajectory, the Gundams will arrive in the HRL territory of Ceylon (aka Sri Lanka), which makes Sergei wonder if they really are planning armed intervention.

After entering the atmosphere, Allelujah and Tieria join up with Setsuna and Lockon. The Union and AEU hear that the Gundams are headed to Ceylon, and the HRL leader orders a mobile suit deployment because he thinks they might have a chance to capture a Gundam. As they approach Ceylon, Setsuna recalls the mission briefing with Sumeragi, where she explained that the Sinhalese and Tamil ethnic groups have been fighting on and off since the 20th century. On an air transport, Billy recalls that the HRL has been supporting the Tamils for the last ten years, ostensibly to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. Graham says that's all a lie and that the HRL's true motive was to prevent Ceylon from advancing in solar energy research, but their intervention has worsened the situation and instead led to anarchy. Graham calls the bridge to change course and order the completion of maintenance on his Flag, which surprises Billy. In Ceylon, HRL Tierens are engaged in ground combat against Anfs. The Tieren squad leader is informed that Celestial Being is on its way. Lockon wishes everyone good luck because they're expected to get results, but Setsuna doesn't respond. Watching the live combat feed, he's reminded of the fighting years ago in the Kurdis Republic, as well as the appearance of the 0 Gundam. Declaring that he's the Gundam, Setsuna rushes forward into the battle, followed by Tieria and Allelujah. Setsuna arrives and uses his GN sword to slice several Tierens apart. Another Tieren bombards the Gundam Exia from long range and causes no damage. From the air, Lockon snipes several Tierens with his rifle. He then sees Setsuna fighting on the ground and says to himself that Setsuna is overdoing it. From the air, Allelujah bombards an HRL base with missiles and ejects the missile container. He then transforms to mobile suit mode and attacks the remaining targets. He comments that he's a mass murderer now, but that's the way Celestial Being is. Several Tierens on a ship fire at Tieria, but he fires his GN cannon from the shore and destroys the ship. Surveying the damage caused by Setsuna, two Tieren pilots retreat. Two Anfs run past Setsuna to chase the Tierens, and Lockon prepares to fire, but Setsuna destroys them first. At the JNN headquarters, an employee digs up a file on Aeolia and shows it to Kinue, which states that Aeolia has been dead for 200 years. The news comes in that Celestial Being intervened in Ceylon, and Kinue wonders if attacking both sides doesn't make it worse. Sergei hears the news and wonders if Celestial Being thinks they can stop a three century ethnic conflict with a single intervention. Alejandro says that Celestial Being will intervene until the end of all conflict, when hatred is directed toward them. Tieria asks if the Gundam Exia was destroyed, and Lockon explains that Setsuna went on ahead. He says Setsuna probably has a lot to think about after their first armed intervention, and Tieria doesn't understand why Setsuna is a Gundam Meister. Setsuna is surprised when he suddenly picks up a Union air transport nearby. A Flag launches and attacks the Gundam Exia with its plasma blade. Graham introduces himself and says he's dying to know more about the Gundam.

03. "The Changing World"
"変わる世界" (Kawaru Sekai)

Graham locks blades with Setsuna and believes he was able to find the Gundam Exia because it wasn't spreading GN particles. Graham activates his thrusters to push Setsuna downward, but Setsuna breaks off and knocks away Graham's blade. Graham moves in again and grabs Setsuna's shoulder, but Setsuna pulls away. Graham falls back a bit and pulls out his linear rifle, which he fires several times. Setsuna dodges and uses his beam saber to slice Graham's linear rifle in half. Surprised by the beam saber, Graham breaks off and escapes. Back on the transport plane, Graham complains that he'll have to write a report about losing his rifle, but Billy says that the data gained on the Gundam is so valuable that it would've been worth losing the entire Flag. Graham comments that he thinks the Gundam's pilot is young because of the way the mobile suit moved. Setsuna begins spreading GN particles, which causes the plane to lose track of him. He wonders who the Flag pilot was. At JNN, Kinue researches Aeolia's background and sees that he was an early advocate for the use of solar power. She wonders why, if he founded Celestial Being, they would wait 200 years to make their move. The AEU intelligence director is briefed on Aeolia and informed that he has no known descendants. They couldn't track down information on his finances, but the director isn't surprised, given the lax security of the 21st century. At the base station of the HRL's space elevator, Lockon, Allelujah and Tieria stand out a table until Setsuna arrives. Allelujah asks if something happened, and Setsuna answers that he wrote a report. Lockon tells Tieria that they'll leave space to him. Allelujah wonders if they'll be be able to smuggle the Gundam Virtue back to space via the elevator, but Lockon doesn't think it will be a problem because it's been disguised as construction materials for the space colony. Allelujah comments that their main weakness is that the Ptolemaios' operational time is limited without the Gundams' four solar furnaces, but Setsuna cuts him off and tells him not to discuss classified information. The other Gundam Meisters leave the station, and at the same time Sergei arrives from space. Several soldiers prepare to escort him to a commander, but he insists on traveling to Ceylon first because he doesn't believe things unless he sees them himself. Elsewhere, Graham and Billy report for duty at the Union's MSWAD headquarters. An officer informs them that they've been reassigned to a new anti-Gundam investigation team, to be headed by scientist Reife Eifman. At school, Saji is bored during a lesson about the four centuries of conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. Louise asks Saji at lunch if he's thought about the future and if she's a part of it, but he angers her by answering that he's only thought vaguely about it. Alejandro meets Wang at a bar, and she informs him that the third mission will begin soon.

Elsewhere, Sergei arrives at Ceylon and visits the base where the Gundams attacked earlier. An officer escorts him to the hangar where they're investigating the missile container dumped by the Gundam Kyrios. Another officer explains that the container doesn't have any new technologies, nor is it of a design made by any nation or company. At MSWAD headquarters, Billy estimates that the Gundam's power output is probably about six times that of the Flag, and Graham comments that he's most impressed by the Gundam's maneuverability. Billy concludes that the maneuverability is due to the light emitted by the Gundam. Eifman introduces himself and says he'd like to capture a Gundam. Graham wants to have his Flag tuned up within a week, and he tells Eifman to disregard the stress that will place on the pilot. Graham then gets a call that the Gundams have appeared. In South Africa, Lockon attacks a mineral mine and easily takes out several Workloaders with his GN beam pistol. Lockon doesn't like taking on such easy targets, and the Workloaders eventually disarm and escape. Graham wants to launch and take on the one in Talivia, South America, but Eifman tells him not to. He explains that he hates narcotics, so if the Gundams are going to burn the drug fields, he'll support that. He concludes that they want to sever the sources of war. Allelujah flies over Talivian airspace and begins carpet bombing the drug fields. He says to himself that he'd do a mission like this anytime. Sergei is informed that the third Gundam is in Ceylon, so he decides to launch in a Tieren and see it for himself. Setsuna destroys several Tierens and assumes his mission is complete until Sergei arrives in a Tieren High Mobility Type. Sergei tosses aside his gun and draws his carbon blade, which causes Setsuna to wonder if he's being tested. Sergei charges forward, and Setsuna uses his blade to cut off the arm holding the carbon blade. Sergei then grabs the Gundam Exia by the head and blacks out its cameras. He attempts to rip the head off, but Setsuna uses his beam saber to slice that arm off, as well as the Tieren's leg. In space, Tieria launches from the disguised container and returns to the Ptolemaios. After docking, the Gundam Virtue begins transferring energy to the ship. Sumeragi tells Tieria they should have toast because the others safely completed their missions, but he declines. Saji returns to his apartment and sees his new next door neighbor: Setsuna. Saji introduces himself, but Setsuna only gives his name before entering his own apartment. As Saji enters, Kinue is on her way out to work. Louise calls and tells him to turn on the news, which is carrying the story that the Real IRA has just announced it will cease armed terrorist activity. Speculation points to the disarmament coming as a result of Celestial Being's appearance. Amazed, Saji comments that the world is changing.

04. "Foreign Negotiations"
"対外折衝(せっしょう)" (Taigai Sesshou)

The crew of the Ptolemaios watch a press conference where the HRL's leader announces that 148 soldiers have been killed as a result of Celestial Being's intervention in Ceylon. He says that although they claim to want to end disputes, they're nothing more than terrorists. He pledges that the HRL will do everything in its power to fight Celestial Being. Christina wonders if this won't just lead to the HRL strengthening itself, and Tieria says they'll have to continue their armed interventions. In Tokyo, Setsuna reads a newspaper article about Aeolia and watches the press conference on TV. In Azadistan's capital, fires break out as a result of terrorist attacks. Marina watches the fires from the palace, and her advisor Shirin Bakhtiar suggests that she implement some reform before the moderates unite against her. Marina says she understands that and needs the assistance of the nations with solar energy, but Shirin counters that they don't have much to negotiate with since they didn't participate in the construction of the orbital elevators. Shirin says that if the present condition continues to deteriorate, Celestial Being will eventually appear. On an uninhabited island, automated vehicles conduct repairs to the Gundam Kyrios. Lockon and Allelujah discuss the Real IRA's recent disarmament, and Lockon thinks that support for Celestial Being is just a temporary way for nations to avoid interventions. Allelujah believes things will go back to the way they were if they disappear. At an HRL command center, Sergei reports to a senior officer about his experience with the Gundam, and he says he doesn't think there's a mobile suit anywhere in the world that's on the same level as the Gundams. The officer assigns Sergei to a new task force and charges him with capturing a Gundam before the Union or AEU do. He leaves the personnel selection to Sergei, with the exception of one soldier - a young woman named Soma Peries, who is an enhanced human "super soldier." The officer explains that the project was carried out secretly and that the brass consider her a trump card against the Gundam. Setsuna eats a hot dog in a park and has a daydream about the park being bombarded and destroyed. Saji and Louise then walk by, and although Setsuna remembers Saji's name, Saji didn't remember Setsuna's. Elsewhere, Eifman shows Graham a new custom black Flag, which has been reinforced across its body and covered with anti-beam coating. Billy points out that Graham will experience a high level of Gs during flight, but that's exactly what Graham wants. Two soldiers named Howard Mason and Daryl Dodge then report for duty as part of Graham's team. Union President Bryan is informed that the South American nation Taribia will be making an announcement tomorrow. Sumeragi examines 12 response plans generated by the Veda computer and concludes that they're all risky. Suddenly, Taribia announces it is withdrawing from the Union because it's selfishly controlled by America. Watching the news, Marina says that instability near an orbital elevator will affect energy production, and Shirin concludes that Taribia knows America will launch an attack. Sergei asks Soma for an opinion about Taribia, and she explains that the country must be hoping for an intervention from Celestial Being. On the Ptolemaios, Sumeragi announces that they're starting the next mission.

The news reports that the Union has authorized the use of military force against Taribia. Setsuna runs to the waterfront and jumps into the water to swim down to his concealed Gundam container. On the uninhabited island, Lockon and Allelujah suit up and launch in their Gundams. Graham and his squad fly toward Taribia, and he wonders how his custom Flag will fare against a Gundam. A Union fleet stations itself within Taribian waters, and the Taribian military deploys its Union Realdo mobile suits throughout the capital. Setsuna, Lockon and Allelujah arrive at Taribia and head for the country's three major cities. Shirin says that if Celestial Being fights for Taribia it will be aiding extremists, but Marina says if they don't stop the Union, it will run counter to the group's stated goal of eradicating conflict. From the sky, Setsuna begins blasting the Taribian Realdos stationed on the ground. Wang and Alejandro both state that Celestial Being will attack any countries that incite war. Elsewhere, Lockon and Allelujah attack Realdos from the air as well. Lockon doesn't believe that Taribia should try to exploit Celestial Being for its own selfish goals. The Taribian prime minister calls President Bryan, and Bryan states that he'd be happy to send troops to help if Taribia takes back its secession announcement. The prime minister agrees, and Bryan orders the Union forces to defend Taribia and attack Celestial Being. Christina reports to Sumeragi that the Gundam are proceeding along their escape routes, but a Flag is approaching Setsuna at twice the normal speed. Graham catches up to Setsuna and attacks with his experimental rifle. Setsuna returns fire, but Graham's custom Flag is able to dodge thanks to its increased maneuverability. Graham continues to attack, forcing Setsuna to escape underwater. Graham is satisfied with the custom Flag's performance, but he's even more surprised that the Gundams are versatile enough to operate underwater. Marina can't believe that Celestial Being attacked Taribia, and Shirin says that Taribia and America must have expected such an outcome. She says that Taribia asked America for help, which serves to quell anti-American sentiment. In addition, American support props up the Taribian government. She wonders which country has benefited the most from what happened and says that if Marina can't figure that out, she's not qualified to save Azadistan. Watching the news, Saji asks Kinue why Celestial Being attacked Taribia if Taribia didn't attack anyone. He says it's not right that Celestial Being is creating conflicts, and Kinue tells him that the world doesn't work so simply.

05. "Breakaway Limit Zone"
"限界離脱領域" (Genkai Ridatsu Ryouiki)

Marina watches a press conference announcing Taribia's return to the Union and a meeting between President Bryan and the Taribian prime minister. She concludes that America and Taribia must have planned things out beforehand to manipulate Celestial Being, but Shirin says that's wrong. She says that Celestial Being is so dedicated to its goal that it would go as far as attacking Taribia, even though that would turn public opinion against them. Marina then leaves on a trip to obtain solar energy for Azadistan. At the HRL's orbital elevator, Kinue drops off Saji for a field trip and tells him not to try anything strange with Louise. Nearby, Sergei tells Soma that they're ready to board the linear rail and head up to space. Setsuna does sit ups in his room and receives a computer message about a mobile suit performance test. On the uninhabited island, Allelujah tells Lockon about the newest mission from Sumeragi: spy on a new mobile suit performance test, and depending on the results, destroy it. Lockon warns Allelujah to be careful because most of the world hates them now after the Taribia incident. At the orbital elevator, the linear rail begins its climb toward the Pillar of Truth low orbit station. Sergei asks Soma why she volunteered for the military's enhancement project, and she tells him that she's a designer baby created for the project. He then recalls watching her in a physical and a scientist's report that her body is enhanced through the use of nanomachines. Sergei asked the scientist if the agency had any problem with doing such things, and the scientist answered that it's necessary to have people like Soma to adapt to space. The train stops at the Pillar of Truth station, and Saji and Louise meet with their tour instructor, Porz Assan. Porz takes them out for a spacewalk and quizzes Saji about orbital rings. Louise calls Saji over to the end of the station, and the two look down to see the entire Earth spread out below them. Porz cautions them that there's still some gravity, so they can be pulled down if they fall off the station. Louise then does just that, and Saji falls over the side trying to grab her, but Porz grabs them both by their safety lines. At the station's military outpost, Sergei and Soma examine the Tieren Taozi, a pink mobile suit customized to match Soma's abilities. Two days later, Allelujah rides the train and engages in small talk with a stewardess about seeing the Earth from space. Saji and Louise walk through one of the station's gravity blocks and pass by Wang and Hong Long. Sergei launches in a Tieren Space Type, followed by Soma in the Tieren Tao II. Soma begins the performance test, but she suddenly veers off course and says she feels something strange in her head. On the station, Allelujah feels pain in his head, and suddenly his personality changes completely. Mad with pain, Soma begins firing on the station.

Sergei catches up to Soma and tells her to stop, but she continues to fire and damages the station, causing one of the gravity blocks to break off and drift away. Saji and Louise are trapped inside the block, which has now lost gravity. In his mind, Allelujah attempts to reach out to the "Hallelujah" personality that is now in control. He then recalls being adrift on a shuttle as a child, and Allelujah takes control again. Sergei calls the station for a report and is informed that 232 people are trapped in the gravity block. A rescue team will launch in 7 minutes, but the gravity block is decelerating and will be sucked in by the Earth's gravity in 14 minutes. Sergei orders a team to retrieve Soma and takes off to help with the rescue effort. Wang examines the data on the gravity block and concludes that the rescue party won't arrive in time. Sergei grabs onto the gravity block to try to accelerate it into a stable orbit, but he knows that his suit alone won't be enough, and that he'll eventually be pulled into the gravity well too. Allelujah arrives in the Gundam Kyrios, and while Wang tells him he's violating his orders, he ignores her and says she wouldn't understand what it feels like to drift in space. The Gundam Kyrios transforms to mobile suit mode and presses its thrusters to the max to help accelerate the gravity block. Sumeragi is surprised when she receives a message from Wang about what Allelujah is doing. At JNN headquarters, Kinue is shocked when she sees Saji and Louise's names on the list of people stranded in the gravity block. Allelujah calls out to the gravity block and tells everyone to quickly gather inside the center block. Inside, Louise says that since they may not survive, she has something important to tell Saji. Sergei calls Allelujah and tells him he should leave because he's already done enough, but Allelujah responds that Celestial Being doesn't accept failure. Just then, a beam blast comes up from Earth and hits the gravity block, causing one of the outer containers to break away. Down on Earth, Lockon uses a giant sniper rifle to target the gravity block. Setsuna flies around to clear away the clouds that are blocking Lockon's view, and he fires again to break off the other outer container. With the reduced weight, Allelujah is able to push the block into stable orbit. The rescue party arrives, and when Allelujah takes off, Sergei orders the Tieren pilots to focus on the rescue. On the Ptolemaios, Tieria criticizes Sumeragi for abandoning Veda's recommended mission and revealing to the world that the Gundam Dynames can snipe high altitude targets. Sumeragi says she wasn't helping Allelujah, but rather protecting the Gundam, and Tieria comments that people lacking skills shouldn't pilot Gundams. Saji asks Louise to tell him what she was going to say earlier, but she refuses.