Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Episode List

16. "Trinity"

After pinning the Gundam Exia to the ground, Ali activates the Agrissa's plasma field, which electrocutes both Setsuna and the Gundam Exia. Suddenly, the Agrissa is hit by several shots from above and Ali is forced to eject his Enact from it before it explodes. The Gundam Throne Drei descends over Setsuna, and pilot Nena Trinity asks Setsuna if he's alive. Nena introduces herself and explains that she's also a Gundam Meister. Elsewhere, the Hellion squad escorts the captured Gundam Virtue through the desert, and Patrick is sure that he'll win Kathy's heart now. Suddenly, his Enact is blasted in two by Johann Trinity's Gundam Throne Eins. Johann blasts the Hellions with his GN launcher and flies off to continue his mission, leaving Tieria to wonder who he is. As Soma escorts the captured Gundam Kyrios, she wonders why Allelujah killed the others of their kind, but her thought is interrupted by a sensation of pressure. Suddenly, Sergei and Soma's squad comes under attack from the remote GN fangs launched by Michael Trinity's Gundam Throne Zwei. As several Tierens are destroyed, Sergei and Soma are forced onto the defensive. Johann arrives at his next destination and fires several more blasts from his GN launcher, killing Over Flag pilots Randy and Stewart. As the weapons fire continues, Graham orders everyone to disperse and retreat. Lockon doesn't recognize the Throne Eins and asks Haro to scan for data, but Haro has nothing. Johann calls Lockon and explains that his siblings are rescuing the other Meisters. Nena calls in to report that her mission is complete, and Johann orders her to spread GN particles to the maximum distance and cover their escape. Nena activates the Throne Drei's stealth field and covers the sky with red GN particles. Kathy is informed that their operation has failed due to the appearance of new Gundams. Graham attempts to call for reinforcements, but communications are cut by Nena's stealth field. Sergei wonders why Celestial Being never showed off such an ability before, and Patrick attempts to call his base for a pickup. Christina receives an encrypted message from Haro, and Sumeragi is surprised at the news that all four Gundams have escaped. She says to herself that sometimes it's good for her predictions to be wrong. The leaders of the superpowers are informed that the operation failed because of the new Gundams. As the Meisters head back to their deserted island, Tieria thinks to himself that the new Gundams aren't in Veda's plans and wonders what they are.

At school, Saji yawns repeatedly and tells Louise that he didn't get any sleep because he stayed up all night watching a news report on Celestial Being. He asks her if she thinks it isn't a big deal, and she tells him she's more worried about upcoming exams. Alejandro attends a meeting of Celestial Being's Surveyors, but he's the only one in the room because the others are broadcasting voice only and are represented by paintings and sculptures. Alejandro asks the other Surveyors if they intend to acknowledge the new Gundams as part of Celestial Being. One comments that he's rushing to quickly and that they should re-examine the results of the Meisters and their interventions so far. Alejandro summarizes the interventions, starting with Setsuna's attack on the Enact unveiling, as well as Allelujah and Tieria stopping the terrorist attack in space. The Trinity siblings review the record as well, and Michael brashly comments that if he were in Talivia, he would've beaten up both armies. A Surveyor mentions that everything went according to Veda's plans until Allelujah initiated an independent rescue effort, which revealed the Gundam Dynames' long-range sniper capabilities to the world. Johann reviews the Moralian incident in which Setsuna revealed himself to Ali, and Michael comments that Setsuna must be crazier than he is. A Surveyor mentions that Setsuna refused to file a report on the incident. A motion to expel Setsuna was considered, but it didn't pass because there wasn't unanimous agreement. The Surveyors discuss the terrorist actions in response to Celestial Being. Alejandro highlights the HRL's attack on Celestial Being and their attempt to capture Gundams. The Surveyors note that during the attack, Allelujah allowed the Gundam Kyrios to be temporarily captured. They also note that he revealed his shield pincer weapon too soon, as did Tieria with the Gundam Nadleeh. At the time, the Surveyors questioned Sumeragi's abilities, but as with Setsuna, they couldn't reach a consensus. One Surveyor comments that Allelujah could be a problem for them in the future. Michael criticizes the Meisters for not killing every enemy pilot they encounter, but Johann counters that the Meisters are concerned about public opinion. Michael says that they're too soft and criticizes Setsuna's actions in Azadistan. With the most recent mission, one Surveyor mentions that if not for the Thrones, the original Gundams would've been captured. Alejandro asks again if they're going to acknowledge the new Gundams, and the Surveyors agree. In space, the Trinity siblings head for the rendezvous point with the Ptolemaios.

17. "Thrones Onslaught"
"スローネ強襲" (Suroone Kyoushuu)

In 2227, two men in spacesuits explore the interior of an abandoned spaceship in orbit of Jupiter. They examine the bridge and find that the computers have been removed. One of them comments that after a six year journey they can't go back empty handed. They explore the ship further and find a dead body, along with a purple Haro. One of the men shrugs it off as a pet robot, but the other explains that it's an information terminal. The man declares that they've found what they're looking for and can start analyzing it. In the present, Sumeragi comments that the Thrones don't resemble Celestial Being's first and second generation Gundams, and that Veda has no data on them. Tieria mentions that there are at least three, and Allelujah comments that they disperse something that looks similar to GN particles. Setsuna sits in his cockpit and thinks about the new Gundams. Christina wonders if this meeting is a trap, and Sumeragi says they'll find out when they meet the new Meisters. Sumeragi orders Setsuna to prepare for launch. Feldt scans the Trinity ship and confirms that it's emitting GN particles and has four GN drives aboard. One of the ship's containers open, and Johann flies over in the Throne Eins, carrying Michael and Nena in his hands. The Throne Eins pulls up next to the Ptolemaios, and the Trinity siblings are greeted in a corridor by Sumeragi, Lockon, Allelujah and Tieria. Nena asks who the pilot of the Gundam Exia is, and Setsuna arrives and says he is. Nena tells Setsuna that she likes how reckless he is and kisses him. Setsuna pushes Nena away and tells her not to touch him. Michael then pulls a knife out and threatens Setsuna. Johann asks him to stop, but Nena's Haro urges him on. Lockon's Haro then arrives and addresses Nena's Haro as its big brother. Nena's Haro rudely says it doesn't know the other one and pushes it away. Sumeragi suggests they move to the briefing room, and Michael gives Setsuna a dirty look while Nena gives him a cutesy grin. Tieria says he knows exactly how Setsuna feels, even if he doesn't say anything. On the bridge, Christina says that she doesn't like Nena, and Feldt comments that her parents never told her about Gundams like the Thrones. Sumeragi asks why they have Gundams, and Tieria asks why Veda has no info on them, but Johann answers that it's classified information. Lockon asks where they got their GN drives, and Johann says that's classified too. Tieria asks what their goals are, but Michael gives a mocking answer, and Tieria decides to leave. Nena says she's bored, and Sumeragi gives her permission to explore. She asks Setsuna to join her, but when he ignores her, she changes her demeanor and tells him he shouldn't make her mad. Sumeragi asks again what their intentions are, and Johann says they want to eradicate war. Lockon asks if they're joining with them, but Michael mockingly answers that they've come to do real interventions, and he tries to pick a fight with Allelujah. Johann says that they'll be acting independently. Sumeragi asks if they're necessary for Aeolia's plan, and Johann says their actions will demonstrate that. Tieria arrives at Veda's terminal unit and is shocked to find Nena inside.

The Trinity siblings leave, and a smitten Christina shows Lichtendahl and Lasse a picture she took with Johann. Lockon is disappointed because they got hardly any information out of the Trinity siblings. Ian explains that during their meeting he inspected the Throne Eins, and Sumeragi asks him to write a full report on a computer that isn't connected to Veda. Michael asks Nena what's so special about Setsuna, and she says that he's cute and that it's love at first sight. Haro announces that orders have arrived, and when Michael complains about having another mission, Johann says they have to show the world that Celestial Being is serious. Ribbons delivers some new info to Alejandro. He asks Alejandro what he's going to do now, and Alejandro says that he's just an observer who watches as the world changes. In Tokyo, Saji and Louise talk about the end of their exams. Saji asks Louise what she wants to do during their break, but she tells him she has to return to Spain for her cousin's wedding. Kinue takes a break because her research is going nowhere. Her assistant tells her about the new Gundams, and she asks him to track down the soldiers who reported seeing the new units. As the Union fleet travels across the Pacific Ocean, Graham comments that he feels like a failure because they didn't achieve their objectives and lost three pilots. Howard tells him it wasn't his fault because they didn't know three new Gundams would appear. Daryl wishes they had units on par with the Gundams, and Howard tells him to show some pride as a Flag Fighter. Graham then gets a call that three units have been picked up entering the atmosphere. At the MSWAD base, Eifman types up a report on his Gundam research and concludes that the energy they use can only be produced on Jupiter. Eifman suddenly recalls a manned Jupiter exploration mission from 120 years ago and wonders if it's connected to the development of the Gundams. If they are, he realizes that Aeolia's true goal isn't the eradication of war. Suddenly, his computer is hacked and displays a message: You have witnessed too much. The base's alarm then goes off as the Thrones approach the base. Nena hooks up to Johann's unit so that he can deploy his GN mega launcher. Eifman wonders if they've come to target him specifically. Johann fires the GN mega launcher and destroys several hangars, as well as the base's main building, killing Eifman. The Over Flag squad arrives, and an injured Billy radios Graham and tells him that Eifman is dead. Johann orders a retreat, but Michael ignores him and says he wants to fight. Graham dodges Michael's GN fangs and manages to land some shots. Howard moves in for a close attack with his plasma blade. The GN fangs then stab Howard's Over Flag, which falls away and explodes. Sumeragi informs the Meisters about the attack on the MSWAD base, but no additional information has been uploaded to Veda. Setsuna wonders if the Trinity siblings are really Meisters. Saji says goodbye to Louise at the airport and is too embarrassed to kiss her, but she says that's what she likes about him.

18. "Malicious Target"
"悪意の矛先" (Akui no Hokosaki)

In Northeastern Italy, the Trinity siblings initiate an armed intervention, destroying a small backwater base and its Hellion squadron. On the deserted island, Lockon notes to Setsuna that the Trinitys have carried out seven interventions, all against military bases. In Washington, two advisers inform President Bryan about the most recent Celestial Being attack and note that the new Gundams are acting differently from the old ones. The leaders of the AEU conclude that they have few options left and must cooperate more with the Union and HRL. In space, Soma asks Sergei if Celestial Being will attack their location, and Sergei answers that it could happen if their objective is to destroy the world. Wang meets with Alejandro and is surprised that he doesn't know much about the Trinitys. He comments that he personally believes their actions are going too far. Wang asks Alejandro if he thinks the Trinitys are part of the original plan, and he says it's a logical conclusion since they have Gundams. On the Ptolemaios, Ian gives a report on the Trinitys. He says that the technology used in the Thrones is the same as theirs, but their solar furnaces are different and have shorter operational time. Allelujah wonders if someone stole their technology to build the Thrones, but Sumeragi notes that the plans for the solar furnace are only in Veda. Christina says that even if Veda was hacked, it would take a long time to build solar furnaces, so Lasse concludes that there must be a traitor inside Celestial Being. In the Veda terminal room, Tieria finds that Level 7 data has been tampered with and that he can't access it. Ian asks Sumeragi what she plans to do, and she tells him it's dangerous to move now if the world thinks the Trinitys are their allies. Hong Long informs Wang that the can't find the bio data on the Trinitys, so she asks him to continue investigating. Elsewhere, Graham and Daryl visit Howard's grave to pay their respects. Daryl tells Graham that Howard believed the Flag ended up being chosen as the Union's new suit because Graham was the test pilot. Graham says he only tested it because he thought it had the best performance and expresses regret over the mock battle accident. He then vows in Howard's name that he'll defeat the Gundams with his Flag. In America, Kinue meets in a bar with a Realdo pilot who witnessed the Thrones firsthand in the Taklamakan Desert. He explains that he was waiting for a pickup after his Realdo was damaged, and he saw the Throne Zwei and its pilot reporting to a "Lagna." On the subway, Kinue decides to investigate the name Lagna, and the Realdo pilot is shot to death while walking through an alley. At a Spanish castle, Louise talks to Saji on the phone while her parents congratulate the newlyweds. The call drops, and Louise spots the Thrones flying overhead. Upset that people are having fun while she's working, Nena suddenly opens fire on the castle, killing most of the guests. Another shot traps Louise under a large pile of rubble.

On the Ptolemaios, Christina tells Sumeragi that there's no mission record in Veda from what just happened in Spain. Sumeragi is shocked that the Trinitys attacked civilians for no reason. Saji attempts to call Louise's phone, but he hasn't been able to reach her for three days. He asks about Louise at the school office, and an employee tells him that Louise was hospitalized as the result of an accident. Later, Saji rides a bus and reads the news that Gundams attacked a Spanish resort. At a Union base in Illinois, Graham is surprised to find an injured Billy working on the Custom Flag. Billy tells Graham that he thinks Eifman was targeted because he was close to discovering the secret of the Gundams and their special particles, so he was assassinated under the cover of an armed intervention. The base suddenly goes on alert when a Gundam is spotted over Iowa. Graham realizes that the only thing in Iowa is the Iris Corporation's military factory, which is completely staffed by civilians. Although Billy thinks it's reckless, Graham takes off on his own and heads for Iowa. In Iowa, Johann bombards the Iris factory, killing many civilian workers. Suddenly, Graham closes in at high speed and opens fire on Johann. After transforming, Graham rushes in for a close attack with his plasma blades. He knocks Johann away and grabs his beam saber, which he uses to cut off the Throne Eins' right arm. A shocked Johann retreats, and Graham considers that vengeance for Howard, but he suddenly coughs up blood from the high G forces. On the deserted island, Lockon tells Setsuna that the Trinitys attacked the Iris factory, killing over 800 civilians. Lockon says that what the Trinitys are doing is the same as indiscriminate terror attacks, and Setsuna runs into the forest. Sumeragi wonders if it will be possible to carry on their plans without Veda. She gets an e-mail from Billy about Eifman's death, and Christina calls her with urgent news. In Spain, Saji arrives at the hospital and finds Louise's room. Saji shows Louise the pair of rings she wanted and tells her he saved up for them by working extra. He's about to tell her that he loves her, but she says she can't wear the ring. Saji doesn't understand, so Louise shows him her bandaged, handless left arm. Louise begins to cry, and a nurse asks Saji not to upset her because she also lost her parents and several relatives. Saji walks slowly through the hallway and begins to cry. Elsewhere, the Trinitys fly over the ocean, and Michael says he's surprised there was someone that even Johann couldn't handle. Suddenly, the Trinitys come under attack from a beam weapon, and Johann spots the Gundam Exia. Setsuna declares that the Trinitys are spreading war and must be taken out. Setsuna pulls out his GN sword and rushes in to attack.

19. "Bonds"
"絆" (Kizuna)

Nena asks Setsuna why he's attacking allies, and he declares that their suits aren't Gundams. Johann orders Michael to fight back and fires his GN launcher, which destroys Setsuna's shield. Michael deploys six of his GN fangs, but Setsuna destroys them with his beam sabers and daggers. Michael then fires out two more, but they're destroyed by a blast from the Gundam Virtue's GN bazooka. On the Ptolemaios, Feldt reports to Sumeragi that both Setsuna and Tieria are fighting against the Thrones. Ian thinks that Gundams fighting themselves will only lead to mutual destruction, but Lasse and Lichtendahl think it's ok because they don't like the Trinitys' methods. Allelujah wonders if the Trinitys' actions are part of the plan, which causes Sumeragi to wonder if this event is also part of the plan. A message from Lockon comes in requesting orders, and Sumeragi replies that he should try to stop the battle and use his best judgment. Christina asks Allelujah if he's going too, and he answers that though he'd like to, he's going to stay behind to protect the ship. As Lockon prepares to launch, he complains that Setsuna is a troublemaker, but Haro points out that Lockon didn't stop him. Hong Long asks Wang if it's ok for Gundams to fight each other, but she says she doesn't care as long as the world changes. Alejandro comments to Ribbons that the Gundam infighting occurred faster than he expected. He thinks to himself that there's no turning back now that events have entered the third stage. Tieria deploys his GN field and takes the shots from the Thrones, while Setsuna jumps out and attacks with his GN sword. Tieria comments that he never expected to be fighting in formation with Setsuna, to which Setsuna agrees. Johann and Nena attempt to dock and use the GN mega launcher, but Tieria attacks with his beam saber and forces them to separate. Johann comments that Tieria can't fight with that kind of maneuverability, so Tieria ejects the Virtue parts and reveals the Gundam Nadleeh. Tieria then activates the Trial system, which causes the Throne Eins and Throne Drei to lose power and crash on a nearby island. Johann doesn't understand what's going on, and Tieria explains that the Gundam Nadleeh's true power is the Trial system, which allows him to control any mobile suit linked to Veda. Tieria declares that they aren't fit to be Gundam Meisters and deserve to die. He rushes in with his beam saber, but the Trial system is suddenly overridden, allowing them to evade. Johann and Nena attempt to move in on Tieria, but Lockon arrives and opens fire on them. Johann orders a retreat and is called a coward by Lockon. Johann addresses Lockon as Neil Dylandy and tells him he should be fighting someone next to him who was part of the KPSA guerilla group that killed his parents and sister. That person is Soran Ibrahim - aka Setsuna. During the confusion, the Trinitys escape.

The leaders of the superpowers weigh their options, and they're all secretly contacted by a member of Celestial Being. In Spain, Saji fills a vase with water and brings flowers to Louise. Louise tells Saji to return to Japan because he can't keep skipping school. She reminds him that his dream is to work in space and that he can't waste it by being with her. She wants him to fulfill her dream, which is for him to succeed at what he wants to do. Saji leaves the hospital and recalls the first time he met Louise at school, when she told him not to sleep in the cafeteria. After Saji is gone, Louise cries by herself. Kinue meets with her assistant, who reports that Lagna Harvey, a train magnate, has the money to build and transport mobile suits. He thinks they should stop the investigation because Lagna is JNN's biggest shareholder, but Kinue refuses and decides to keep investigating in secret. On the deserted island, Lockon asks Setsuna if he was in the KPSA, and Setsuna answers that he was. Lockon explains that his parents and sister were killed in a KPSA suicide bombing that resulted from the conversion to solar energy, which ruined the economies of the Middle Eastern nations. Lockon says those people began a pointless holy war that lasted for 20 years. Tieria asks Lockon if that's the reason he became a Gundam Meister, and Lockon answers that he knows what he's doing is a contradiction and no different from terrorism. However, he feels that he has to fight to change the world and prevent those tragedies from repeating themselves. Lockon pulls a gun on Setsuna and says he wants to shoot him to avenge his family and put his hatred to rest. He fires a shot that grazes Setsuna's hair, but Setsuna has no reaction. Setsuna says he was forced to believe in God, and when Lockon asks if that's supposed to divert the blame, Setsuna answers that there is no God. He says he was forced to believe in God by the KPSA's leader, Ali. He explains that Ali was working for the PMC in Moralia, and Tieria realizes that's the reason why Setsuna exited his cockpit during the battle. Setsuna says he wanted to confirm that it was Ali and see where his God was. Lockon asks Setsuna what he plans to do with the Gundam Exia, and Setsuna answers that he'll eradicate war. Lockon counters that Setsuna can't do that if he shoots him, but Setsuna answers that he doesn't care, as long as Lockon carries on the task. He declares that he'll fight as long as he lives, not as Soran Ibrahim, but as Setsuna F Seiei. Setsuna says that he's a Gundam, and when Lockon says he's a Gundam maniac, Setsuna takes that as praise. Lockon puts down the gun and laughs, and Tieria says to himself that this is what it must be like to be human. In Africa, Johann tells his siblings that they may fight the Gundams again. In Antarctica, representatives from the three militaries ride an elevator down into a chamber filled with 30 GN drives.

20. "Revolution's Blade"
"変革の刃" (Henkaku no Yaiba)

In a Spanish train station, Saji sits alone and browses through e-mails from Kinue and Louise. He recalls a nurse telling him that Louise's hand can't be regenerated because exposure to the Gundam's beam weapon has somehow resulted in cellular defects. The train to the airport departs, but Saji stays behind. At the United Nations assembly hall in New York, a military alliance is announced between the three superpowers to put an end to Celestial Being's terrorism. Watching the news in Azadistan, Shirin says that things seem to be going according to Celestial Being's plans, and Marina concludes that the more recent radical interventions were designed to unify the UN militarily. On the deserted island, Lockon is surprised that the appearance of the Trinitys triggered the end of their plan's first face. However, Tieria states that since all the superpowers have been heavily damaged by the Trinitys, uniting forces won't produce any new results. Setsuna thinks something else is going on, and Tieria feels uneasy because the Trinitys weren't mentioned in Veda, which has been hacked. The three then receive an encrypted message from Sumeragi to return to the Ptolemaios with their Gundams. On the ship, Sumeragi asks Ian and Lasse to pick up the GN Arms. In Illinois, Graham asks Billy what he's learned from the Throne Eins' beam saber, but Billy says there's no time for that. He explains that a traitor from Celestial Being has provided the superpowers with 30 new mobile suits designed to use the same engines as the Gundams. Billy assumes that pilots will be chosen from the Over Flags squad with Graham as the commander, but Graham refuses because he vowed on Howard's grave that he'd defeat the Gundams with a Flag. At an HRL base in Russia, Sergei, his commander and Soma have a look at the Celestial Being-built mobile suit, the GN-X. Soma asks to be assigned as a pilot, and the commander explains that she definitely will since her quantum brain waves affect the Gundam Kyrios' pilot. At a French AEU base, Kathy is visited by Patrick, who gives her a bouquet of flowers and asks her on a date. She asks him if he's concerned about the changing world, and when he says he isn't, she agrees to the date. Elsewhere, Ali meets with Laguna, who fends off an interview request from Kinue. Ali asks Lagna to give him one of the GN-X suits they're transporting and says he's willing to be assigned to a military to use one. Lagna asks why he wants to pilot one, and Ali says he owes someone repayment and also wants to fight because he feels that mercenaries may soon become unnecessary. Outside, Kinue wonders what to do next and approaches Ali when he drives out of Lagna's villa. Ali says he's in a hurry, but will answer questions if she rides with him. Ali explains that he's a distributor and flatly admits that he's transporting GN Drives like the ones used in Gundams. He mentions Setsuna and says that he was the one who brainwashed him into being a guerilla. Ali says that he's the lowest form of human and loves war. Saji returns home and assumes that Kinue is out on a story. Later, Ali calls Lagna and says that he took care of a rat. Elsewhere, Kinue lies in a pool of blood in an alley and dies as she reaches out for a picture of her father and Saji.

In space, Alejandro and Ribbons take off in a spaceship from the Union's station. Ribbons comments that Alejandro didn't have to come along, but Alejandro says that his family has been waiting generations for this. His family couldn't do anything while Veda existed, until an angel - Ribbons, appeared. At the Trinity base in Africa, Nena complains to Michael that they had to do so much work before but haven't received new orders. Johann then walks in and explains that Lagna has sent orders for a new mission in three days. They're all surprised when Wang and Hong Long suddenly walk into the base. Michael pulls out his vibrating knife, but Johann tells him to stop because he recognizes Wang from Veda's files. Wang explains that she's come to introduce herself as a Celestial Being agent. Nena points out that they were attacked by Gundams, and Wang answers that she's not necessarily on the side of those Meisters. Johann says he'll rely on Wang's help in the future and asks if she's going to reveal the base's location to the other Meisters, but she promises not to. Haro comments that Wang is pretty, so Nena kicks it away. On the private plane, Hong Long asks if that was the right step to take, and Wang explains that it doesn't matter because the Trinitys triggered a revolution. Hong Long asks her if she hates the world that much, and she answers that if the world doesn't change, it should be destroyed. On the Ptolemaios, the Meisters gather on the bridge. Christina reports that the Trinitys are on the move, and Feldt projects that they're heading to an HRL base in Guangzhou, China. The base's Tierens and tanks open fire, but they become easy targets for the Thrones. Johann wants Nena and Michael to dock with him so they can wrap up the mission quickly, but they're interrupted by incoming weapons fire. Michael wonders if it's Setsuna again, but Johann says he's picking up a squad of 10 mobile suits, all of which are emitting GN particles. Sergei orders the GN-X squad to open fire, and he's amazed by the suit's agility. Sergei attacks Nena with his beam saber and says there's no need to fear Gundams any longer. Nena fires missiles at Sergei, but he dodges and performs a roundhouse kick on her. Michael deploys his GN fangs against Soma, but she destroys them and is surprised at how the GN-X can keep up with her reaction speed. Johann orders a retreat, and Sergei orders Soma not to pursue. Sergei directs Soma's attention down to the ground where all the soldiers are cheering, and he tells her this is the sweet taste of victory. The Meisters wonder why the Trinitys retreated, and Sumeragi explains that the HRL now has suits with solar furnaces. Elsewhere, Alejandro's ship docks at a secret base on the Moon. Ribbons' eyes glow as he opens the door to a chamber which contains are large computer sphere: Veda.