Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Episode List

21. "The Path of Destruction"
"滅びの道" (Horobi no Michi)

At a police station in the base of the Pillar of Heaven, Saji is asked to identify Kinue's body. A police officer unzips the body bag, and Saji begins to cry when he sees Kinue's face. On the Moon, Ribbons comments that it'll take him some time to work on Veda, but Alejandro says he doesn't mind because his family has been waiting 200 years for this moment. On the Ptolemaios, Sumeragi has a look at the GN-Xs and confirms that they have imitation solar furnaces. At their African base, Michael asks Haro why it can't get in touch with Lagna, and Nena asks Johann what they should do. On the Moon, Ribbons clears Level 5 of Veda and shows Alejandro some information to pass the time: Lagna has completed shipping the GN-Xs, so Alejandro concludes his role is over. At a Union space station, Daryl examines the GN-X and meets Patrick. He doesn't recognize Patrick at first, but he then recalls that Patrick was the first person attacked by a Gundam. Patrick asks where Graham is, but Daryl explains he's not part of the operation. Patrick then calls him a coward, which angers Daryl. Kathy intervenes and apologizes on Patrick's behalf. Sumeragi brings drinks to Feldt and Christina, who are backing up their data, but the drinks turn out to be alcohol. Tieria wonders how they'll be able to fight without Veda. Lockon thinks they'll be ok with the Gundams and Sumeragi's tactics, and Tieria comments that Lockon must not know about her crimes. Lockon answers that he does and knows she made a big mistake - one that she's paying for by drowning her heart in alcohol. Allelujah calls with orders from Sumeragi to assemble, and Lockon tells Tieria that it's essential for all four Gundams to work together now. Setsuna dreams that he's back in the ruined Kurdish Republic, holding a machine gun. Marina appears, and addressing him as Soran, shows him a blooming flower. She says people are returning to the land and tells Setsuna he doesn't have to fight anymore. Setsuna begins to drop the machine gun, but he wakes up from the dream and wonders why he's dreaming about Marina and not fighting. On Earth, Sergei's GN-X squad approaches the Trinity base in Africa. Suddenly, a GN-X is destroyed by a shot from Johann's GN high mega launcher. Johann concludes that Lagna betrayed them, but he doesn't know that Lagna is already dead. The Thrones launch from the base and engage the GN-Xs. Sumeragi sees 19 incoming enemies on radar and orders the crew to battle stations. The container hatches open, and all four Gundams launch and enter formation.

Saji returns to his apartment and looks at Kinue's wallet photo of them and their father. He then recalls a conversation he had earlier with Kinue's editor. The editor asked if Kinue joined JNN because her father was a freelance journalist, and Saji explains that his father was framed and imprisoned. His father had told Kinue to seek out facts and connect the truth. Saji asked the editor what Kinue was investigating, and the editor explained she was following the trail of Aeolia and apologized. Patrick opens fire on Tieria, and his shots penetrate the Gundam Virtue's GN field. Lockon tries to snipe the GN-Xs, but he's barely able to scratch them. Patrick and Daryl attack Setsuna with their beam sabers, and he's barely able to hold them off. Several GN-Xs unleash a barrage of fire on Lockon, forcing him onto the defensive. Allelujah wonders if their annihilation was part of the plan, and Tieria fires his GN bazooka at the GN-Xs. He then targets Patrick, but suddenly all four Gundams shut down. Allelujah says they're about to be punished, and Tieria wonders if he's been abandoned by Veda. Setsuna says to himself that once again he wasn't able to become a Gundam. Ribbons asks Alejandro if he wishes to proceed, and Alejandro says the UN forces must be victorious for the world to unite. So long as the GN drives exist, Celestial Being can be reborn, but Alejandro says he's greedy and wants both the world and Celestial Being. Sumeragi orders Christina and Feldt to switch to the backup system. Setsuna recalls his dream of Marina, but he says he's still alive and tries to move. As the backup system comes online, all the Gundams reactivate, except for the Gundam Virtue. Tieria sits in his cockpit, completely catatonic. Patrick closes in on Tieria, but Lockon steps in and trades fire with him. Daryl attacks Setsuna with a beam saber while a pilot named Henry closes in on the other side, but Setsuna tosses a beam dagger through Henry's cockpit, killing him. Patrick makes another run at Tieria with his beam saber, but at the last second Lockon jumps in and takes the force of the attack through his cockpit. Patrick pushes him aside and attempts to attack Tieria again, but he's damaged by incoming fire from Lasse in the GN Arms. Lasse fires again and manages to destroy a GN-X. The rest of the squad retreats, and Daryl says there's no way he can show his face to Graham now. Tieria can't believe that Lockon was hurt while protecting him. Alejandro is surprised that Sumeragi created a backup system in advance, and Ribbons reports that he's cleared level 6. President Bryan isn't impressed with the results of the space operation, and the AEU leaders order immediate analysis and mass production of the GN drives. The HRL leader comments that the age of the Gundams is over.

22. "Trans-Am"

In space, Lasse docks the GN Arms with the assault container. He asks Ian how Lockon is doing, and Ian answers that Lockon is in intensive care because the attack damaged his good eye. Sumeragi asks Dr. Moreno about Lockon's condition, and he tells her that once Lockon goes into the capsule, it'll take him three weeks to recover. Sumeragi wants to return to dock and work on repairing the Gundams, but Lockon says he won't be getting any treatment yet because they don't know when the enemy could attack next. Allelujah points out that Lockon won't be able to shoot precisely, and Lockon says that he and Haro make a good team. He adds that him being out of action negatively affects Tieria, who is fragile despite the appearance he puts up. In an observation room, Tieria blames himself for Lockon's injuries because he was so obsessed with Veda. At a press conference, a Union officer announces that they will develop new mobile suits and commence Operation Fallen Angels to destroy the Gundams. Graham asks Billy about the status of his Over Flag, which is being fitted with a GN Drive from a GN-X, and Billy asks him to be patient. Elsewhere, Sergei's GN-X squad launches to continue searching for the Trinitys. On the Ptolemaios, Ian tells Allelujah that they'll be able to repair the Gundam Virtue, but the Gundam Dynames is heavily damaged and will need a new cockpit. Feldt travels through the ship and eavesdrops on Lockon's conversation with Tieria. Tieria feels that he's useless as a Meister without his ability to link to Veda, but Lockon tells him he can be like them. Tieria says they can't finish the operation without Veda, but Lockon believes they can. Tieria apologizes to Lockon, but Lockon tells him everyone is human and makes mistakes. On Earth, Michael and Nena complain about having to eat canned food. Johann calls Wang and asks for help in getting back to space, but she says it's too late because a UN force is already heading their way. The GN-X squad moves in to attack, and Johann cautions Michael and Nena not to be wasteful because their particle generation rates are low. The GN-X squad opens fire, and Michael responds by unleashing his fangs. Sergei has the squad go into tight formation, and they're able to dodge and destroy some of the fangs. Marina and Shirin watch the battle on TV in Azadistan, and in Tokyo Saji watches the battle and wishes for the Gundams to die. Nena rushes in to attack, but Soma damages the Throne Drei with her beam saber. Michael steps in to help, and Johann fires smoke rounds so they can escape. On the Moon, Ribbons clears Level 6 of Veda. Alejandro comments that the Trinitys are having trouble, so it's time to get the last bit of entertainment.

Sumeragi and the others watch the battle, and Tieria comments that their annihilation must have been part of Aeolia's plan. Setsuna asks why Gundams exist then, and he says that the Gundams were meant to eradicate war, but the Trinitys and the UN increased it. Lockon comments that the UN attack on the Trinitys is warfare and requires an armed intervention. Allelujah complains about their current situation, but Lockon says that Celestial Being isn't allowed to remain silent. Setsuna says he'll go alone if necessary, and Lasse volunteers to go in the GN Arms. Sumeragi gives Setsuna a mission plan and asks him to return safely. The Gundam Exia is loaded into the GN Arms' assault container, which takes off and heads to Earth. Lockon tells Tieria he can go too if he's worried about Setsuna, and Tieria calls Lockon a fool. At an AEU space station, Kathy is informed that a unit emitting GN particles is entering the atmosphere. In an island on the Atlantic Ocean, Nena complains about the damage to her Throne Drei, and Johann tells Michael that he's asking Wang for help to get to space. Suddenly, Ali approaches with his Enact and uses optical signals to flash the message that he doesn't intend to attack. He introduces himself as a mercenary and says his sponsor asked him to do something about them. Johann asks if that sponsor is Lagna, but Ali answers that Lagna is dead and quickly pulls out and fires his gun, killing Michael. Johann opens fire, but Ali dodges the shots and knocks down Johann. Johann tells Nena to escape, and Ali tells Johann to get into his suit because this isn't much of a fight. Johann and Nena take to the skies, and they're shocked when Ali suddenly attacks in the Throne Zwei. Johann is surprised because the Throne Zwei is only supposed to respond to Michael's biometrics, and he wonders if Ali rewrote that with Veda. Johann attacks Ali and asks why he's doing that, and Ali answers that they're sacrifices. Ali attacks with his sword and gets in several shots from behind Johann. Johann says that they lived to be Gundam Meisters, and the Throne Eins explodes. Ali then attacks Nena and knocks her down to the ground. Before he can attack again, Setsuna arrives and opens fire. Ali tells Setsuna not to interfere, and Setsuna asks him what he's doing inside a Gundam. On the Moon, Ribbons clears Level 7 of Veda, giving them complete control. The floor then opens, revealing a cryogenic container containing Aeolia. Alejandro says that Aeolia won't witness the world he wanted to see, and he shoots the container several times with a golden gun. Suddenly, a video appears of Aeolia, and he says that if someone is there with evil intent, the world he wished for hasn't come. But Aeolia still trusts in humanity and wants to give them strength. Lasse attempts to help Setsuna, but Ali keeps him away. The Gundam Exia suddenly turns red and begins moving at lightning speed, preventing Ali from hitting it. Aeolia says he doesn't know if the people with the GN Drives have inherited his will, but he wants to give them the full power of the drives. Using the Trans-Am system, Setsuna rushes in and damages the Throne Zwei, forcing Ali to retreat.

23. "The World Stopped"
"世界を止めて" (Sekai wo Tomete)

Using the Trans-Am system, Setsuna damages the Throne Zwei and forces Ali to escape. At the same time, Nena cries over the deaths of her brothers and flies off in the Throne Drei. On the Moon, Alejandro wonders what the Trans-Am system is, but Ribbons has no data on it and speculates that it was built into the GN Drive's black box. Also, the data on all the Meisters has been deleted from Veda. Alejandro can't believe that Aeolia foresaw such a betrayal, and he's personally sick of dancing to Aeolia's ideals. At Lagrange point 1, the Ptolemaios hides in a field of resource asteroids while the assault container is attached to the ship. A new tail booster is attached to the Gundam Kyrios, and Ian supervises the repairs on the Gundam Dynames. Examining the data on the Trans-Am, Sumeragi comments that it releases GN particles to temporarily allow the Gundams to operate at three times their performance level. An encrypted message arrives from Setsuna, and he reports that the GN-Xs on Earth are heading to space. Also, the Throne Zwei was captured by Ali, which catches Lockon's attention and angers him. Elsewhere, several Union Virginia class mobile suit transports carrying the GN-Xs and the Throne Zwei head to Lagrange 1. Ali is pleased that they have spare parts to fix the Throne Zwei, and he's surprised to meet Sergei. Sergei asks Ali how he captured the Throne Zwei, but Ali says that's a secret. Daryl prepares for launch and vows to get revenge for Howard. As they head back to the ship, Lasse asks Setsuna if he found is answer, and Setsuna says they were entrusted with what they're doing by Aeolia. Setsuna says he'll eradicate war, and Lasse replies that he doesn't think they can do that, but the actions they have taken will be remembered by people. Setsuna gets a message from the ship that the UN fleet has been picked up. Lockon prepares for launch, but he finds that the door out of the ready room has been locked. Allelujah wonders if locking him in is too much, but Tieria vows that this time he'll protect Lockon. After they launch, the GN-Xs and the Throne Zwei enter formation and begin approaching the ship. Allelujah preemptively attacks by firing the beam cannons on the tail booster and destroys several GN-Xs. Sergei shouts out formation orders, and Tieria uses his cannons to get a GN-X. Ali moves in to attack Tieria and deploys his GN fangs. Tieria destroys two, but the other two manage to penetrate Tieria's GN field. Allelujah attempts to help Tieria, but his tail booster is damaged by an attack from Soma. Allelujah ejects the tail booster and transforms just in time to deflect her beam saber attack. Sumeragi gives orders to retreat, but Lockon stops her by launching in the Gundam Dynames and GN Armor Type-D.

Sergei attacks Allelujah from behind, and Soma moves in for the killing blow with her beam saber. The Gundam Kyrios dodges by going into Trans-Am mode, and Allelujah discovers that Hallelujah has blocked the quantum brain waves from Soma. Tieria is surrounded by enemies and also goes into Trans-Am mode to fire a large burst from his bazooka. Patrick wonders if it's a new weapon, but his GN-X is damaged by an asteroid fragment and knocked away. Daryl attacks Tieria, but he's forced onto the defensive by Lockon. Lockon fires a barrage of GN missiles and hits several GN-Xs. Tieria tells Lockon he's in no condition to fight, but Lockon says he has to. Allelujah moves too quickly for Soma and damages her unit and Sergei's before the Trans-Am mode runs out. The GN-Xs then retreat, and Lockon heads for the Virginia class ships to destroy them. Lockon destroys two of the ships, but his GN Armor comes under fire from Ali. Lockon ejects from the GN Armor before it explodes and chases after Ali. Lockon wildly fires multiple shots, but he's unable to get a hit in without his good eye. Ali attacks with his buster sword, and Lockon blocks with a beam saber. Lockon asks Ali why he ordered the suicide bombing in Ireland, and Ali says that he's a mercenary and that people from the Middle East would naturally be against the construction of the AEU's elevator. Ali says that Lockon is a terrorist just like him, but Lockon says he'll take the blame for what he's done after shooting down Ali. Setsuna ejects from the assault container and uses Trans-Am mode to reach the battlefield faster. Lockon continues to attack Ali and says he's the personification of war. He pulls out his second beam saber and uses it to cut off the Throne Zwei's right arm. Just then, Daryl rushes in to attack. Lockon fires several GN missiles and damages the GN-X, but Daryl continues forward for a suicide attack. Lockon tries to shoot him, but Daryl smashes into the Gundam Dynames and destroys its right arm. Ali notices that Lockon can't see his right side properly and deploys his GN fangs. Lockon shoots down several with his pistol, but the rest manage to hit and destroy the head and legs. The damaged Gundam Dynames drifts away into the asteroid field, and Ali searches for Lockon. Lockon removes the sniper rifle controller and asks Haro to take the Gundam Dynames back to the ship. Lockon says goodbye to Haro and floats over to one of the cannons from the GN Armor. Lockon attaches his rifle controller to the cannon and targets the Throne Zwei. He says to himself that he can't move on unless he avenges his family. Ali picks up Lockon's life sign and moves in to attack. Lockon fires and hits the Throne Zwei's lower half, but Ali manages to land a shot on the GN Armor cannon. As an injured Lockon floats through space, he thinks of his parents and his sister Amy. He knows that his actions may not change anything, and he wonders about the future Lyle will live in. Lockon sees the Gundam Exia in the distance and wonders if Setsuna found his answer. Looking at the Earth, Lockon wonders if people are satisfied with the current world, because he hates it. Setsuna rushes in, but the GN Armor cannon explodes. The Gundam Dynames returns to the ship, and the bridge crew assumes Lockon is safe. But when Haro calls them and repeats Lockon's name over and over, they realize what happened. Setsuna searches the debris field and screams in grief.

24. "Endless Poem"
"終わりなき詩" (Owari naki Uta)

Two years ago, Sumeragi introduced Setsuna to the other Meisters as the pilot of the Gundam Exia. Allelujah was concerned because Setsuna was a child, but Sumeragi said his test scores met their standard. Tieria asked if he was chosen by Veda, and Sumeragi said he was. Lockon said age was irrelevant because they all made resolutions to change the world with Gundams. In the present, Setsuna cries out in grief over Lockon's death. Hong Long tells Wang that they've received a message about the ship battling the GN-X squad, and Wang wonders if the world will lean toward the UN or Celestial Being. Tieria grabs Setsuna and angrily tells them that their forces were divided because Setsuna went to Earth. He asks why Lockon had to die, and Sumeragi slaps him. She tells him the enemy is out there, so if he has time to cry, he has time to work. Feldt cries while holding Haro in her arms, and it apologizes, but she tells it there's nothing to apologize for. On the Virginia transport, Sergei examines the results of the last battle: out of 27 units, only 11 returned, and they don't know what happened to the Throne Zwei. Combined with the new Trans-Arm ability, Sergei tells Kathy that they'll just lose men in vain if they keep fighting. Kathy agrees, but she says they have orders to attack again because reinforcements are on the way. Patrick's GN-X returns to the ship, and Kathy tells him she was worried. Soma wonders if Allelujah found a way to block her brain waves, and she vows that as a perfect super soldier she won't lose to a defective test subject. Ian sends out several satellites emitting GN particles to distract the enemy. Sumeragi asks him about the mobile suit status, and he reports that the Gundam Kyrios can launch without the tail booster, and they removed the Virtue armor on the Gundam Nadleeh. Tieria calls Sumeragi to ask for the next mission plan, and she asks him if he intends to fight. He says they can show their strength to the world if they defeat the GN-Xs. Sumeragi says the risk is too great, and Tieria tells her it's the resolve of all the Meisters. Setsuna hooks up Haro to a video monitor to watch Lockon's last battle and sees that it was Ali who killed Lockon. Setsuna wonders if Lockon threw away his life for vengeance, and he recalls his comrades from his guerilla days. He also recalls what Lasse said and realizes that the point of existing is to use one's own will to carry on the will of the dead and face the world. The Virginia picks up the GN particle asteroids, and Sergei immediately recognizes them as decoys. Suddenly, the gold mobile armor Alvatorre arrives, piloted by Alejandro. On the Ptolemaios bridge, the crew takes a moment to relax. Feldt writes a letter for her parents and Lockon because she won't see them for awhile. Christina thinks about writing a letter to the adopted mother she left behind. Christina asks Lichtendahl about his family, and he says his parents were space elevator engineers who were killed during the solar wars. Lasse notes that this is the first time they've talked like this, and Christina says it's because they had to keep everything classified. Allelujah worries about the Gundam Nadleeh not having the Trial system, and Tieria says he'll fight to avenge Lockon. Feldt puts the letter in the Gundam Dynames' cockpit and asks Setsuna if he has anyone to write a letter to, but he says no, which she thinks is lonely. Setsuna says that Lockon is the lonely one and tells Haro to stay with him. Suddenly, the GN-X squad is detected, along with the Alvatorre. Alejandro fires a beam cannon and hits the Ptolemaios' port side.

A second shot comes in and grazes the starboard side. Lasse launches in the assault container, while Lichtendahl moves the ship behind a nearby asteroid. Sumeragi orders Tieria and Allelujah to launch from the container and defend the ship. Sergei leads the GN-X squad and orders everyone to flank the Ptolemaios. Patrick and several other GN-X pilots approach the ship, but Tieria attacks them with his beam rifle. Hallelujah uses his shield pincer to destroy a GN-X and attacks Soma. Sergei steps in to help, forcing Hallelujah to fall back a bit. Lasse opens fire on Alejandro with missiles and beam cannons, but the Alvatorre blocks them with a GN field. Alejandro fires the beam cannon again, which damages both the Gundam Kyrios and the Ptolemaios. Christina reports that the medical room was destroyed, and Dr. Moreno's body floats through the wrecked infirmary. With the most recent damage, the ship is unable to raise its own GN field, and Sumeragi decides to go to the assault container to shoot down the Alvatorre. Tieria activates Trans-Am mode and destroys several GN-Xs, but he's hit by another attack from Alejandro and loses a leg. Patrick and another pilot bombard Tieria with beam fire and blow off an arm and both legs. Patrick and Tieria fire at the same time, which results in the GN-X losing its upper body and the Gundam Nadleeh losing its head. Although the Gundam Kyrios is missing an arm and a leg, Hallelujah continues to fight with Sergei and Soma. Sumeragi and Ian attack Alejandro, and Christina lies to Feldt about a problem with the Gundam Dynames' reactor to get her to leave the bridge. A GN-X closes in and is hit by GN missiles, but it continues its attack and blasts the bridge. Just before the explosion, Lichtendahl jumps out of his seat to shield Christina. Ian opens fire and destroys the GN-X. Lichtendahl and Christina float in space, and Christina is shocked to see that Lichtendahl has cyborg parts. He says that he was attacked alongside his parents, so his body is half cyborg as a result. Christina cries and says she was a fool because a good man was next to her all along. Lichtendahl then dies, and Christina presses him close to her. Sumeragi calls Christina on the radio, and Christina tells Feldt to dress up more and live for Lockon to change the world. Christina then dies from the metal shard impaled through her body, and the bridge explodes. Lasse and Setsuna continue to fire on the Alvatorre to no effect. Lasse rams the assault container into the Alvatorre, but the Alvatorre's GN field repels them. The Alvatorre's arms then grapple onto the assault container. Alejandro says that he'll make the accursed ghosts of Aeolia sacrifices for the new world. As the assault container begins to crumple, Lasse ejects in the GN Arms, followed by Setsuna. The Gundam Exia then rushes forward at the Alvatorre.

25. "Setsuna"
"刹那" (Setsuna)

As the assault container begins to crumble, Lasse ejects in the GN Arms, followed by Setsuna in the Gundam Exia. Setsuna rushes in to attack the Alvatore and comes under fire from several beam cannons. Lasse tells Setsuna that if they hit the assault container they might do some damage, so they both open fire on it. The assault container is hit and explodes, but it causes no damage to the Alvatore. In the other assault container, Feldt gives Sumeragi a status report: no contact from Tieria, and the Gundam Kyrios is heavily damaged and engaging two GN-Xs. Hallelujah hides behind an asteroid, and Sergei tells Soma that he couldn't have gotten far in the condition that his suit is in. Allelujah tries to speak, but Hallelujah tells him to shut up if he can't do anything on the verge of life and death. He says he's going to live no matter what, and Allelujah says the same. Allelujah says he can't die until he hears the world's answer and the reason for fighting. Hallelujah then takes off his helmet, combs back his hair and says they'll show Soma what a real super soldier is like. Working together, the two personalities rush in to attack Soma and Sergei. Hallelujah dodges their shots and uses his shield pincer to rip off Sergei's left arms. Soma fires at Hallelujah, but he dodges her attack easily and continues his assault. Setsuna continues to fire at the Alvatore and losses his shield. Alejandro responds by deploying GN fangs, and Lasse tells Setsuna to dock with him. Setsuna docks with Lasse to form the GN Armor, and Alejandro attacks again with the fangs. Lasse deploys a GN field while Setsuna shoots down the fangs. They fire again at the Alvatore and dodge an attack from its large beam cannon. Alejandro unleashes a barrage of fire, and the GN Armor rushes in. Setsuna cuts off one of the Alvatore's arms, while Lasse fires the GN Armor's cannons. The GN Armor is damaged, but Lasse rushes in for another attack. He begins to tells Setsuna something about existence, but he's interrupted by an explosion in the cockpit. Setsuna charges forward and uses one of the GN Armor's blades to piece the Alvatore's GN field and damage the main body. After disconnecting from the GN Armor, Setsuna attacks again and slices into the Alvatore's main body, slicing it nearly in half and causing an explosion. Hallelujah attacks Sergei again and cuts off his other arm. He then attacks Soma with a beam saber, and she asks him how this is happening if she's a perfect super soldier. Hallelujah tells she's no perfect soldier because she can't react fast enough through quantum brain waves, so she merely reacts on instinct like an animal. Hallelujah says he can read her actions because the mark of a true super soldier is the combination of reaction and thought. He then activates the Trans Am system and easily dodges Soma's attacks. He cuts off one of her legs and attempts the killing blow, but Sergei intervenes and is injured. Soma then fires off several shots on the Gundam Kyrios, causing an explosion in the cockpit that injures Hallelujah's eye. As the Gundam Kyrios drifts away, Soma pries open the cockpit hatch of Sergei's GN-X. He tells her to forget about him and keep fighting, but she says if he were gone, she'd be alone. Allelujah zooms in on an image of Soma and realizes that she's Marie. Setsuna tries to call Lasse and comes under attack again. The mobile suit Alvaaron emerges from the Alvatore, and Alejandro attacks Setsuna with a beam saber. Setsuna accuses him of perverting the plan, and Alejandro says the plain is the same, except that he's the main actor now. Alejandro then swings the Alvaaron's wings up and fires a beam cannon blast at Setsuna.

Alejandro suddenly comes under attack from the Gundam Exia, which is in Trans Am mode. Setsuna fires off several shots, but Alejandro blocks them with a GN field. Setsuna recalls Lockon telling him that the Gundam Exia was equipped with a solid sword as a countermeasure to GN fields, because their plan even factored in battles between Gundams. Setsuna rushes in and uses his GN sword to pierce the Alvatore's GN field and dissipate it. Setsuna says that Celestial Being will eradicate war by force, and he stabs the Alvaaron with all of his GN blades, beam sabers and beam daggers. Ribbons calls Alejandro and tells him that he played a good clown. He states that it is no longer Aeolia's plan anymore, but his own, so he'll take care of the united world. Alejandro curses him and says that's the Corner family's desire, but Ribbons answers that such an obsession makes him a small man. Alejandro damns Ribbons again, and the Alvaaron explodes. Just as Setsuna begins to catch his breath, another enemy approaches: Graham's GN Flag. Attacking with a beam saber, Graham tells Setsuna that he'll get revenge for Howard and Daryl with the GN Flag. Setsuna is shocked to see that Graham is the pilot he met in Azadistan, and Graham is similarly surprised about Setsuna. Graham declares that they're connected by the red thread of destiny to fight each other. He attacks again and cuts off the Gundam Exia's left arm. He says that his heart was stolen by the Gundam's abilities and is definitely a feeling of love, but when one goes beyond love, it becomes hatred. Setsuna cuts off the GN Flag's right leg and asks Graham why he fights, but Graham answers that it's nonsense to ask a soldier the meaning of war. Graham cuts off the Gundam Exia's head, and Setsuna cuts off the GN Flag's head. Setsuna tells Graham he's twisted, and Graham answers that he became twisted by the existence of the Gundams. Graham declares that he doesn't care about the world and will take Setsuna down by his own will, and Setsuna tells him he's just acting on ego. The two then charge forward and stab each other's torsos, setting off explosions of red and green GN particles. As the ruined Gundam Nadleeh drifts through space, Tieria says that things aren't over yet. The assault container approaches him, and he ejects the Gundam Nadleeh's GN Drive so that it can be safely recovered. With that done, Tieria says he'll soon go to the place where Lockon is. Allelujah can't believe that Soma was Marie and asks Hallelujah if he knew. Hallelujah tells Allelujah that if he did know, he wouldn't have been able to fight and would die. He then says it's all the same in the end anyway, and that he'll be going first. Marina reads a letter from Setsuna, which states that if she's reading it, he's dead. He states that when he only knew how to fight, Celestial Being gave him a reason to fight. He wanted to know why the world was distorted and why people are unconsciously evil; why there are the dominators and the dominators; why people try to live on in spite of that. He thought that meeting her would provide an answer, because they were seeking the same thing on different paths. Setsuna wanted to find the path to understanding, along with the Gundam.

In 2312, Saji writes to Louise for the first time in two years. He tells her that he's working in space and has made part of his dream come true, but he's still waiting for her. He spots a trail of green GN particles and knows that it isn't from the Federation, so it must be a Gundam. At a ceremony, a politician marks the one year anniversary of the formation of the Earth Sphere Federation, an alliance of 328 countries. As part of that alliance, all nations will disband their militaries so that one unified peacekeeping military can be created under the Federation. Kathy, Sergei and Patrick become members of the new Federation military, as does a masked Graham. Ali has a drink, and Shirin says goodbye to Marina before leaving. Nena asks Wang if she likes the current world, and Wang says she has expectations that the world will change. Ribbons declares that humanity's future is beginning. Louise meets with a person named Regene Regette, who looks nearly identical to Tieria. At a secret asteroid base, Wang and Hong Long visit Ian. Wang asks for a status report, and Ian tells her that the first unit has been rolled out and is being tested for battle, while the other units will roll out as scheduled. Wang asks if she can see the 0 Gundam, which was the first mobile suit to use a solar furnace. Ian says that they removed its solar furnace and installed it on the 00 Gundam, but it didn't match. Ian isn't even sure if the Gundam Exia's solar furnace will work, and Wang declares that the 00 Gundam is the mobile suit that will change the world.