God is all- Knowing

Key Verse

1 John 3 :20

For if our HEART CONDEMNS us, God is greater than our HEARTS, and knoweth ALL THINGS.


Nothing is hidden for God's sight.

1 john 3 : 16 - 20

God knows whats in our minds.

Ezekiel 11 : 5

God's know what I'm going to say before saying it .

Psalm 139 : 4



God knows the wicked and good.

Proverbs 15 : 3

God knows/sees everything we do.Proverbs 5 : 21

God knows th name and number of every star.

Psalm 147 : 4

God knows his plans for us.

Jeremiah 29 : 11- 13

God knows what we need before  we ask him.

Matthew 6 : 8

Last Updated 20 June 2005