Meet Vida

Asian food with its infinite variety of flavours has become a favourite throughout the world. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of teaching many people the delightful combinations of dishes that are traditional in Asia. Most of those who have watched me prepare these meals have gone home to try them for themselves with great success.

My father, a wonderful cook who never gave away his secrets, would always say "just throw everything in a pan, fire left and right and serve it". Of course, cooking is never so simple but the recipes I use are easy to achieve, without losing those very distinctive flavours that make Asian food such a delight.

My students often ask about the secrets of Asian cooking which are never written in recipe books. No cook really tries to keep secrets - there are just some things, which we learn while cooking, which we often forget to write down for the benefit of others. I try to include as many of the answers in my classes
As to the others... well, that's a secret