Bach Flower Remedies for Pets

Pets Have Emotions Too

Your pets, just like you, are capable of a wide range of emotions. A happy wag of the tail, or a retreat to a safe corner, can indicate how they are feeling or how some outside stimulus has affected them. It's up to us to sense our pets emotions because like us, when they are not feeling well emotionally, they just don't do as well physically.

That's why I am so pleased to tell you about Rescue Remedy and the Bach Flower Essences. Discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930's, this is a complete, yet simple system of natural wellness that is used effectively by pet owners, holistic practitioners and veterinarians around the world.

Rescue Remedy and the Bach Flower Essences help ensure your pets emotional and behavioral well-being in a wide variety of difficult situations. That means a happier, healthier pet and a happier you, too!

Rescue Remedy is the #1 natural reliever of everyday stress. It is a blend of five of the 38 Bach Flower Essences and is proven to be as helpful with animals as it is with people.

Rescue Remedy can be used for an immediate calming effect in any stressful situation, or when your pet needs help overcoming a variety of emotional or behavioral problems such as:

Visits to the vet or groomer

Fear of loud noises

Excessive barking or hissing

Adapting to loss of owner or companion

Stress due to being left alone

Shock, trauma or mistreatment

Anxiety when adapting to new surroundings(new home, kennel, stable etc.)

Rescue Remedy and the Bach Flower Essences are an inexpensive, all natural way to keep your pets happy and healthy everyday. It is 100% natural, safe and gentle without side effects. With the rise in complementary and alternative medicine, many veterinarians nowadays include the Bach system of medicine in their practise. You can use them as part of an ongoing preventative program. However, for persistant conditions we recommend a professional veterinarian examination to prevent misdiagnosis.

In the early 1930's, Dr. Edward Bach, a noted British physician, bacteriologist and immunologist, discovered the amazing healing power of flowers for people and animals. He is the creator of the 38 Bach Flower Essences, Rescue Remedy and also the Rescue Cream.

The Bach system is a convenient and easy to learn complementary medicine which can improve the quality of life and well-being for all your pets and animals.

Helpful Reading: Bach Flower Remedies for Animals written by Stefan Ball and Judy Howard (Kindly place order at Mistydawn's order section).

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Note: Extract from Bach Centre Catalogue.

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